Sunday 15 January 2012

Azure HPC Scheduler–integrating into an existing website

Scientio is a creator of text mining, data mining, rule based and time series analysis software. Although they are designed to be as quick as possible, they are still potentially large scale consumers of processing power, especially if applied to large data sets. We’ve been looking for several years at offering access to these products as a service. The costs have always been prohibitive or the available technology too slow. Finally it looks like technology has caught up in the shape of Microsoft Azure HPC Scheduler, which offers the opportunity to run large computing clusters in the cloud. (Get the SDK here.) We’re just at the start, but we hope to be able to permit registered users to upload data to our blob storage and then run potentially large and lengthy tasks on the HPC cluster using our products using the existing HPC web based interface or the REST API.

At the time of writing the Azure HPC Scheduler software is very new and the documentation is skimpy. Microsoft have provided an example service that runs a Linq-HPC, MPI and SOA examples. They’ve not provided much in the way of documentation apart from that. The following are a few notes on integrating HPC into your own Azure hosted site. You should try running the sample service first, it will make the following a bit clearer, and create the database you need for you.

I’ll look initially at just getting the composite site going – in later blogs I’ll look at issues like controlling customer access, provisioning customers, logging, billing etc.


There’s lots to configure with the HPC scheduler. The approach taken with the sample service was to create a WPF application that collected information from the user about accounts etc. which then dynamically created the azure configuration files and uploaded the whole thing to Azure. This won’t do if you have an existing site, like Scientio, you are integrating HPC into.

Also, since this service is experimental, we wanted to cut down on our Azure bill by not having a separate instance running as a head node.  I should explain: HPC requires three types of instances, the web front end, the head node (responsible for scheduling jobs) and worker nodes (which do the work). It’s possible to configure HPC to combine the front end and the head node. It’s not clear yet at what point you have to have an independent head node as you increase the number of workers. Anyway, we wanted to start without, and the configuration app in the sample service doesn’t do this.

Finally, the HPC front end requires secure sockets access, and we’ve already got an SSL certificate for our domain, so we want to make the HPC front end use that, accessible as <domain name>/Portal/

So how to achieve all this? There are several stages:

1) configure the existing site to accept the HPC front end

2) write an application that fills in the azure configuration

3) write HPC -friendly wrappers for each Scientio product.


Modifying the site

The first thing is to switch off the web config for the master site to stop it affecting the scheduler front end:

<location path="."  inheritInChildApplications="false">

Place the above round the system.web element in the web.config, and separately around the system.webserver element.

This specifically prevents any dll clashes.

Next you need to edit the ServiceDefinition.csdef file in the azure project. Here’s an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="<your service name>" xmlns="">
<WebRole name="<web site name>" vmsize="Medium">
<Site name="Web">
<VirtualApplication name="Portal" physicalDirectory="C:\Program Files\Windows Azure HPC Scheduler SDK\v1.6\hpcportal" />
<Binding name="HttpIn" endpointName="HttpIn" />
<Binding name="HPCWebServiceHttps" endpointName="Microsoft.Hpc.Azure.Endpoint.HPCWebServiceHttps" />
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString" />
<Setting name="DataConnectionString" />
<Certificate name="<your https certificate name>" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" />
<InputEndpoint name="HttpIn" protocol="http" port="80" />
<Import moduleName="Diagnostics" />
<Import moduleName="HpcWebFrontEndHeadNode" />
<Import moduleName="RemoteAccess" />
<Import moduleName="RemoteForwarder" />
<WorkerRole name="ComputeNode" vmsize="Small">
<Import moduleName="Diagnostics" />
<Import moduleName="HpcComputeNode" />
<Import moduleName="RemoteAccess" />

There are several things to note: first, the web role instance is size“medium”. Anything less is unreliable at start up. This seems to be due to memory limitations.

Secondly, we have no head node, unlike the example, but import “HpcWebFrontEndHeadNode” which combines front end and head node.

Filling in the configuration

The Azure HPC SDK supplies a class, ClusterConfig, that you can use to fill in the configuration fields.

I’ve created a command line application that calls this and modifies the configuration directly. It reads the definition file above to work out what to modify.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Hpc.Azure.ClusterConfig;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

namespace UpdateAzureHPCConfig
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ClusterConfig config = new ClusterConfig();

config.SetCsdefFile(@"C:\<path to the service definition>\ServiceDefinition.csdef");


// Fill in the Azure account info
config.SubScriptionId = new Guid("{<your azure account subscription id}");
config.ServiceName = "<the service name>";
config.SetStorage("<storage account name>", "<storage account key>");

// Fill in the SQL Azure account info
config.DBServer = "<sql server name>";
config.DBUser = "<sql user name>";
config.DBPassword = "<sql user password>";
config.DBName = "<database name>";

// Fill in the certificate thumbprints
X509Certificate2 sslcert = CertificateHelper.LoadCert(@"<ssl certificate>.pfx", "<cert password>");

config.AddCertificate("Microsoft.Hpc.Azure.Certificate.SSLCert", sslcert);
config.AddCertificate("Microsoft.Hpc.Azure.Certificate.PasswordEncryptionCert", sslcert););

// You can override some preconfigured settings
config.ClusterName = "scientio";

// Setup the built-in cluster admin account
config.ClusterAdmin = "<cluster admin name>";
config.ClusterAdminEncryptedPassword = CertificateHelper.EncryptWithCertificate("<password>", sslcert);

config.Generate(@"C:\<path to configuration>\ServiceConfiguration.cscfg", @"C:\<path to configuration>\ServiceConfiguration.cscfg");

There is a bug in the ClusterConfig class in that it renames the serviceConfiguration ServiceName – just rename it back.

You’ll note there’s a SQL server database involved. I created one of these using the sample service and then re-used it.

There are various Azure storage Blob containers and tables used – these should be generated automatically.

You will need to create a ComputeNode project. This is just an empty worker, all the clever stuff is done with the imports.

Wrappers for the products

The standard form of application you can run on HPC is a command line app. The great big gotcha at the moment is that these must be compiled with .Net3.5. Microsoft when asked wouldn’t say when .Net 4.0 would be available.

Rather than accessing the local file system these can be configured to access azure BLOB storage. If you look at the Linq-HPC example  in the sample service you can see how to do this.

As has been publicised, Microsoft has decided to not continue with Linq- HPC and the underlying Dryad distributed storage. Instead Microsoft is going with Hadoop on Azure.  There’ss obviouisly a good fit between our products and a Hadoop cluster, especially with our text and concept mining products, so we’ll be investigating this soon.

I hope this helped you to get underway with creating your own Azure HPC clusters.

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